Tuesday 16 July 2013

Hail and farewell, fellow traveller.....

"Hail and farewell fellow traveller. The great dark is too dark and the night too deep. We will never meet, you and I. Let me pause therefore and raise a glass." - Menakhat, Arab poet.


For a long time I have wanted or, more precisely, have felt the inclination to start a blog. I didn't want to be yet another of those bloggers who start with such enthusiasm, post like a fiend for a few weeks (or perhaps, at a rarer stretch, months) and then fizzle out. I needed a theme, a subject or a source of inspiration that would sustain me and inspire me to (hopefully) be creative in the deeps of night.

To that end, I have decided to write about books. Books have been my constant companion since my earliest childhood. I can no more imagine a life without books than I can picture a new colour. I won't endeavour to critique books I have read; I don't have the knowledge of comparative literature, nor the skills of literary criticism to attempt such presumption. Instead it is my intention, simply, to write about things which have been stirred up in my head by the book I am reading at the time. So it's not really going to be a book blog after all...more a book-ish blog.


The quote at the beginning of this post is taken from "The Engines of God" by Jack McDevitt. I have googled both the quote itself and the author to whom it is attributed in the text....with very little success; I suspect McDevitt may have penned it himself. If anyone reading this knows differently I'd welcome the correction. Or indeed if they can offer me help in finding out the true attribution, that would also be most welcome.

Regardless of its veracity, I think it's rather splendid. Hopefully you will, too.

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